185th Cyber Operations Squadron recognizes new commander

  • Published
  • By Senior Airman Bryan Myhr
  • 192nd Wing Public Affairs

The 185th Cyberspace Operations Squadron celebrated a reactivation and assumption of command ceremony June 1, 2019, in Hampton, Virginia. Lt. Col. Brock E. Lange assumed command of the 185th COS in front of leadership, family and squadron members. 

The squadron was reactivated 100 years to the day of its initial demobilization following World War I in 1919. The 185th Aero Squadron, as it was formerly called, was known as “The Bats” as their mission involved night pursuit tactics in order to compromise German warfighters during World War I. Its missions during that time were fairly new, which parallels the mission of the present day 185th COS, as they venture into the fight for cybersecurity.

 "Today’s Bats are revolutionizing tactics in cyber operations," said Col. Darren P. Gray, 192nd Operations Group commander. "[The 185th COS] is hunting for a faceless, experienced enemy in keeping them out of our nations’ networks and critical notes.”

“The reality is, with the evolution of technology and the world’s reliance on networks and computers, the fundamental nature of warfare has changed,” said Gray. “As a military, we always have to be ready for all-out kinetic warfare…[but] what isn’t unlikely is that our nation will be subjected to thousands of cyber attacks every single day. Good unit culture starts at the top with outstanding, selfless leadership and that’s exactly what the Bats are getting in Lt. Col. Lange.”

Lange was commissioned in 2002 upon graduation from University of Colorado as a Distinguished Graduate of the Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps program. He earned his pilot wings in 2003 from Specialized Undergraduate Pilot Training at Laughlin Air Force Base, Texas. Following SUPT, Lange attended the F-15C Basic Course at Tyndall AFB, Florida before being selected to transition to the F-22. Lange spent more than five years in various assignments in the 1st Operations Group, 94th Fighter Squadron at Langley AFB, Virginia. In August 2013, he eventually transitioned to the Virginia Air National Guard’s 149th FS as a drill status guardsman. He is an F-22 evaluator pilot with more than 1,500 hours in fighter aircraft.

“[Lt. Col. Lange] is a proven, battle-tested leader who will push the Bats to be the premier cyber warrior unit in the Air Force, and he’ll ensure it is done the right way,” said Gray.

The Lange family brings a wealth of cyberspace knowledge to the 185th. Lange’s spouse, Lt. Col. Rebecca Lange, is the former commander of the cyber-focused 7th Intelligence Squadron and currently serves as deputy chief, cyber and non-kinetic operations division at Air Combat Command.

 "This [ceremony] is about the Bats...I look forward to finding ways to bring my new COS family further into the fold with the 192nd Operations Group and the 1st Fighter Wing, who we share heritage with,” said Lange. “I am grateful that I get to lead a squadron of pioneers, defending a new man-made domain.”